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  • Where can I download the Wendor App?
    Wendor Apple is available in the Apple Store and on Android.
  • Can I find my Wedding Venue on Wendor?
    No. At Wendor, we understand that while many venues will offer packages and a have a precise offering, just as many will not and it is a category that we feel needs a lot of in person time and effort to view and book. After all, it's where you will invest most of your budget. While the plan is to offer Virtual Reality site visits to venues in the future, we are not ready to launch this part of Wendor yet and for now, only supporting wedding vendors are available to browse and book on Wendor.
  • We don't have a wedding date yet, can I still browse Wendor?
    No. The whole purpose of Wendor is to match couples with available Wendors but we can only check availability when we have a date. You won't even be able to see any of our Wendors until you have profiled because it's just as important to us that we protect our Wendors confidential information as it is that we protect yours. It's how we attract the best. Wendor is definitely an app where everyone is ready to get down to business and in a position to book their incredible Wendor team.
  • Do I have to profile?
    Yes! For a few reasons We need to know your wedding date so that we can make sure we only populate your feed with available vendors! You don't know this yet, but each and every vendor you engage with is going to ask you the same questions over and over again. It will get pretty annoying by the 4th time. We're just going to ask you once and only the vendors you make contact with or book, will be able to see your answers. When you booker engage with a vendor, they will be able to get a sense of you immediately by going through your profile! It really helps them get to know you and what you have planned for your wedding quicker so that you can hit the ground running!
  • What is "Request to Book"?
    If you are not able to instantly book some vendors, it is only because they will need to prepare a quote to specifically suit your wedding. In this case, you can request to book their services and work through the details with them to receive a complete proposal. Once you have accepted this, they will be able to send on the information you need to book the package they have specifically put together for you.
  • Can a Wendor decline my booking?
    Yes, they can. While the greatest effort is made to make sure Wendor calendars are in sync, there is always the possibility that someone else will book a vendor outside of the platform without them being able to update their schedule immediately. This is a rare occurrence as calendars are integrated for real time updates. Another reason why a Wendor might decline your booking is that while they are technically available on their date, they might be booked the day before or the day after. If the distance between the two locations is too great, they might not be able to service both days.
  • What happens to my deposit if the Wendor declines my booking?
    Don't worry - when you make a booking, your deposit sits in escrow until the Wendor confirms your booking. They will not receive any funds until terms have been accepted on both sides. If you have paid a deposit and the Wendor declines the booking, we will transfer the funds back in to your account within 5 business days.
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